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  • Writer's pictureThe Gardens

Thank You!

Updated: Jun 15, 2021

As the season is coming to a close, we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that helped with the GARDENS Project this summer. At the end of April, the Ontario government declared community gardens an essential service, which demonstrated how important projects like these are to community members who are in need of fresh, local produce. Community gardens have so many wonderful benefits that extend beyond just growing food. They connect people in urban centres to nature, create positive relationships with food, provide a sense of accomplishment and are a place for friendships to grow too! The need for these connections are now more apparent than ever.

So we would like to say thank you to everyone who helped us this season. We couldn't have done it without you! The past few months have been challenging for everyone, so being able to contribute to reducing food insecurity in South Etobicoke has been extra rewarding for everybody involved in the project.

We also want to thank everyone for abiding by all of the public health measures that were put in place so everyone involved in the GARDENS could stay safe and healthy.

This season we grew almost 300 lbs of food this season, which is an incredible feat considering we had a reduced number of pod sites and a late start to the season.

Everyone involved did an incredible job and we can't wait to see what next season has in store!

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